How to Say 58 Common Vegetables in German

Do you have Tomaten auf dem Augen (tomatoes on your eyes) when it comes to your German food vocabulary? In other words, are you wearing the proverbial “rose-tinted glasses” (or in this case, Tomaten) when it comes to your knowledge about food in German?

In this post, you’ll learn 58 vegetables in German, from die Blattgemüse (leafy vegetables) to die Hülsenfrüchte (legumes).


Gemüse auf Deutsch (Vegetables in German)

Before we get started, keep in mind that das Gemüse is uncountable in German. That means that it’s written and said as das Gemüse in both singular and plural.

In other words, when you’re referring to one vegetable, it’s called das Gemüse. For example, you might ask,

Welches Gemüse passt zu Fisch? (What vegetable goes with fish?)

When referring to multiple vegetables or vegetables as a whole, you use this same form, even though it feels like it should be plural in English (and thus take the plural article die [the]).

For example:

Heute gibt es Fisch mit Bratkartoffeln und Gemüse. (Today, we have fish with roast potatoes and vegetables.) 

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s look at the stars of the show—das Gemüse themselves!

But just one final note: remember that German words that start with der (the) are masculine, words that start with die  (the) are feminine and words that start with das  (the) are neuter.

der Salat / der Kopfsalat (Lettuce)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Salate / die Kopfsalate

There’s little difference between these two words. They both mean “lettuce,” but der Kopfsalat has more of a “head of lettuce” meaning because of the word Kopf (head).

Der Salat also means “salad” in German.

die Tomate (Tomato)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Tomaten

Remember our idiomatic expression from earlier on? Tomaten auf dem Augen haben (to have tomatoes on one’s eyes) means “to be unaware that something is happening.”

This can apply to situations like when you don’t notice your lover’s new haircut or a coworker doesn’t realize that they’ll soon be fired.

der Blumenkohl (Cauliflower)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Blumenkohle

This word is literally translated as “flowering cabbage.” It’s quite a colorful description, but I sure am happy that cauliflower tastes nothing like cabbage!

der Brokkoli (Broccoli)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Brokkoli / die Brokkolis  

This can also be spelled Broccoli in German. In some German-speaking households in North America, there’s an apparent “German-style” broccoli dish with bacon and mustard.

die Karotte / die Möhre  (Carrot)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Karotten / die Möhren

Die Karotte is the general, most-used word for “carrot” in German.

In the north of Germany, some speakers call carrots die Möhre. They’re also called gelbe Rübe in southern Germany, with gelbe meaning “yellow” and Rübe meaning “turnip.”

Both of these regions will understand die Karotte, of course, but you might see these two variations on labels and in daily conversations.

der Sellerie (Celery)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Sellerie

This word was borrowed from the French word céleri (celery). Germans also eat Sellerieknolle (celery root) which is sometimes called “celeriac” in English.

Both Sellerie and Sellerieknolle can be combined with apples and beef broth for a tasty German-style salad.

der Spinat (Spinach)

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Plural Form: die Spinate

This word was borrowed from the Italian word spinace (spinach). Germany is famous for its creamed spinach.

der Lauch (Leek)

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Plural Form: die Lauche

Germans are quite fond of leeks with many different varieties cultivated in Germany. In fact, Germans love putting leeks in soups. Namely, cheese and leek soup!

die Erbse (Pea)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Erbsen

In Germany, peas are common in soups as well as on their own with some butter and onion.

der Gartenkürbis (Marrow) / die Zucchini (Zucchini)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Gartenkürbisse / die Zucchini

Like in English, there are a few ways to say this vegetable in German. Gartenkürbis literally translates to “garden pumpkin,” and it most accurately translates to a marrow, which is a type of immature zucchini (also known as a courgette in the United Kingdom).

die Aubergine (Aubergine) / die Eierfrucht  (Eggplant)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Auberginen / die Eierfrüchte

It turns out there are two ways to say this vegetable, too! Eierfrucht is the literal translation of “egg fruit.”

der Paprika (Pepper) / die Paprikaschote  (Bell pepper)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Paprikas / die Paprikaschoten

As in English, these two words are pretty interchangeable. However, they aren’t to be confused with the spice der Pfeffer (pepper).

die Chilischote (Chili pepper)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Chilischoten

These are also known as Peperoncino (their native Italian name). Germans add Chilischoten to dishes much the same way the rest of the world does—to give the dish some heat!

der Kohl (Cabbage)

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Plural Form: die Kohle

Ah, there it is. It’s not my favorite, but it’s a crucial ingredient to the German’s beloved Sauerkraut.

der Knoblauch (Garlic) / die Knoblauchzehe  (Clove of garlic)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Knoblauchzehen  (Cloves of garlic)

In German, this vegetable is a type of Lauch (leek). Knoblauch is added to a wide variety of dishes, particularly in German Bierocks (meat turnovers).

die Zwiebel (Onion)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Zwiebeln

Did you know that Germany is famous for its Zwiebelkuchen (Onion Pie)?

die Kartoffel (Potato)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Kartoffeln

It’s been said that the Germans have a “love affair” with potatoes. They’re often made as a side to meat dishes and can be fried, baked, boiled or roasted.

die Süßkartoffel (Sweet potato)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Süßkartoffeln

This word comes from the joining of two words: Süß (sweet) and kartoffel. They’re commonly baked or cubed and cooked for salads.

die Rübe (Turnip)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Rüben

Karotten and Rüben are related, and their names are almost interchangeable in German-speaking regions. If you’re looking for turnip, however, make sure to only use the word Rübe.

die Gurke (Cucumber)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Gurken

The German language shares the same origin of this word with the British gherkin. Cucumbers are widely grown in southern Germany, and they’re the fourth most consumed vegetable there.

der Mais (Corn)

vegetables in german

This word comes from the Spanish word maíz, and the first instances of corn were brought to Europe from North America. Germany is now one of the biggest producers of corn in Europe.

der Spargel (Asparagus)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Spargel

Asparagus has a very special place in German cuisine. The Germans even have entire festivals around the cultivation and consumption of it!

Spargelzeit (lit. “asparagus time”) is the time of the year when asparagus is harvested and eaten.

die Bohne (Bean)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Bohnen

You can also say Kaffeebohne in German to refer to a coffee bean. There are many types of beans to choose from, check the tables for more!

die Sojabohne (Soybean)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Sojabohnen

Soybeans aren’t native to Germany. Instead, they were brought from East Asia in the 1600s.

die Avocado (Avocado)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Avocados

Avocados also aren’t native to Germany, but rather imports from the Americas in the 1500s. Like the rest of the western world, Germans have grown to love avocados recently. They consumed 36,000 tons of them in 2018!

das Rote Beet (Beet)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Rote Beete

Rote is the color “red” in German. Beets are grown in southern Germany, and the Germans often eat them pickled and with onions.

der Rettich (Radish)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Rettiche

Like English, this word came from the Latin word rādix. Special white radishes are called Bierrettich (beer radish).

der Pilz (Mushroom)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Pilze

Wild mushrooms are very popular in Germany and still picked regularly. Be careful when attempting to pick them yourself, though!

die Olive (Olive)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Oliven

Brought from the Mediterranean, olives are less popular in native German cuisine. However, they are common in griechischer Salat (Greek salad).

der Kürbis (Pumpkin)

vegetables in german

Plural Form: die Kürbisse

Native to North America, pumpkins were first brought to Europe in the 1500s. Now, they’re grown all over Germany, and there’s an annual pumpkin festival in Ludwigsburg every year during the late summer.

More Vegetables in German

Die Blattgemüse (Leafy vegetables)


EnglishGerman Singular FormGerman Plural Form
Romaine lettuce der Römersalat die Römersalate
Iceberg lettuce der Eisbergsalat die Eisbergsalate
Red leaf lettuce der Lollo Rosso die Lollo Rossos
Watercress die Brunnenkresse die Brunnenkressen

Die Kreuzblütelgemüse (Cruciferous vegetables)


EnglishGerman Singular FormGerman Plural Form
Brussels sprouts der Rosenkohl die Rosenkohle
Rocket/Arugula der Rucola die Rucolas
Broccolini/baby broccoli der Baby-Brokkoli die Baby-Brokkoli
Red cabbage der Rotkohl die Rotkohle
Kale der Grünkohl die Grünkohle
Bok choy der Pak Choi die Pak Choi

Die Wurzelgemüse (Root vegetables)


EnglishGerman Singular FormGerman Plural Form
Ginger der Ingwer die Ingwer
Parsnip die Pastinake die Pastinaken
Rutabaga/swede der Kohlrübe die Kohlrüben
Horseradish der Meerrettich die Meerrettiche

Die Stängelgemüse (Stem vegetables)


EnglishGerman Singular FormGerman Plural Form
Rhubarb der Rhabarber die Rhabarber
White asparagus der weiße Spargel die weißen Spargel
Green asparagus der grüne Spargel die grünen Spargel
Bamboo shoot der Bambusspross die Bambussprossen

Die Zwiebelgemüse (Bulb vegetables)


EnglishGerman Singular FormGerman Plural Form
Red onion die rote Zwiebel die rote Zwiebeln
Spring onion die Frühlingszwiebel die Frühlingszwiebeln
Shallot die Schalotte die Schalotten
Fennel der Fenchel die Fenchel

Die Hülsenfrüchte (Legumes)


EnglishGerman Singular FormGerman Plural Form
Chickpea die Kichererbse die Kichererbsen
Lentil die Linse die Linsen
Green bean die grüne Bohne die grünen Bohnen
Kidney bean die Kidneybohne die Kidneybohnen
Lima bean die Limabohne die Limabohnen
Marrowfat pea die Kapuzinererbse die Kapuzinererbsen

Bonus: Die Kräuter (Herbs)


EnglishGerman Singular Form
Basil der Basilikum
Cilantro der Koriander
Parsley die Petersilie
Oregano der Oregano
Rosemary der Rosmarin
Cress der Kresse
Tarragon der Estragon
Dill der Dill

Note that, like in English, herbs in German only have singular forms.

How to Practice Vegetables in German

Don’t just memorize a list of vegetables in German and expect to be able to recall their meanings later on. Instead, try learning German vegetables in context and practicing them often!


Take those tomatoes off of your eyes! You can say all the vegetables in German with ease now.

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