Telling the Time in Italian: Essential Vocabulary, Phrases and More Whether you need to make plans with your family, get to the airport to catch a flight or make a …
30 Italian Conjunctions When you first parachuted into the battlefield of learning Italian, you weren’t much concerned with conjunctions and other connectives.…
12 Italian Relative Pronouns When you want to string together thoughts more complex than “ti amo,” you often need relative pronouns—like the bolded word …
Italian Nicknames: 118 Terms of Endearment Italians have some sweet terms of endearment to go along with all that romance. And it’s not just for lovers—…
Essere vs. Avere: When to Use Them There are just some moments in life when we want to run back to our mothers and fathers. While learning …
125 Italian Cognates Cognates between your native language and your target one are probably the easiest words to learn. You might be wondering, …
75 Italian Weather Expressions Talking about the weather is common in any country, and Italy is no exception. Italians love to ask, (“What’s the …
Informal Italian: How and When to Use It Italians are well known for their casual and informal approach to language, but as an Italian learner, it may be …
140 Most Common Italian Verbs Verbs are the backbone of a language. They describe actions and states, and without them, nothing moves or does anything.…
Italian Adverbs: The Complete Guide [with Audio and Resources] Adverbs let you explain how frantically the bicycle thief fled the scene. Or how ardently the postal worker loved the …