60+ Common Japanese Adverbs and How to Use Them in Sentences Like a Pro
You ran to the store.
Wait, let’s try that again.
You ran to the unusually empty store quite frantically as the zombies chased you tenaciously.
To really light a fire under your language, you’ll need adverbs.
In Japanese, adverbs come in a variety of classifications, and they have different uses and positions within sentences.
The guide below will show you how to form and use Japanese adverbs so you’ll be able to throw them around like a native speaker!
- How Do Japanese Adjectives Turn Into Adverbs?
- 69 Japanese Adjectives and Their Classifications
- Adverbs That Don’t Come From Adjectives
- Japanese Sentence Structure with Adverbs
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How Do Japanese Adjectives Turn Into Adverbs?
Adverbs are words that serve to modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.
Let’s look at an example sentence:
(きつねは はやく はしりました。)
The fox ran quickly.
In this case, the adverb quickly modifies the verb ran, informing us of how the fox ran.
In both English and Japanese, the adverb quickly, or 速く (はやく), is derived from the adjective quick ( 速い — はやい).
We can convert many adjectives into adverbs by adding “-ly” to the end in English. Japanese has a similar modification mechanism that we’ll delve into.
As you may recall, Japanese adjectives come in two types: -い and -な.
If this doesn’t sound familiar or is a bit hazy, check out this guide to Japanese adjectives and this rundown of essential adjectives.
In both cases, the change from adjective to adverb is quite simple.
How to Turn -い Adjectives Into Adverbs in Japanese
For -い adjectives, simply replace the -い with -く.
-い Adjective | Adverb Form |
かわいい Cute | かわいく Cutely |
あたたかい Warm | あたたかく Warmly |
たかい High, Expensive | たかく Highly |
いい Good, Nice | よく Well |
Example sentences:
(あかちゃんたちは かわいく わらいます。)
Babies laugh cutely.
She smiled warmly.
His boss praised him highly.
The restaurant is well-made.
How to Turn -な Adjectives Into Adverbs in Japanese
As for -な adjectives, instead of adding -な as the connective tissue, use -に instead.
な Adjective | Adverb Form |
静かな (しずかな) Quiet | 静かに (しずかに) Quietly |
熱心な (ねっしんな) Enthusiastic | 熱心に (ねっしんに) Enthusiastically |
幸せな (しあわせな) Happy | 幸せに (しあわせに) Happily |
快適な (かいてきな) Comfortable | 快適に (かいてきに) Comfortably |
健康な (けんこうな) Healthy | 健康的に (けんこうてきに) Healthily |
Example sentences:
(かれは しずかに ねむりませんでした。)
He did not sleep quietly.
(わたしは ねっしんに べんきょうしました。)
I studied enthusiastically.
She smiled happily.
They are enjoying the trip comfortably.
It’s important for us to eat healthily.
69 Japanese Adjectives and Their Classifications
Adverbs fall under several classifications:
- Adverbs of Degree
- Adverbs of Place
- Adverbs of Time
- Adverbs of Frequency
- Adverbs of Manner
Knowing which adverbs fall into which class isn’t super important, but you do want to avoid doubling up on some since it can come out sounding nonsensical (like if an English speaker were to say “very a little”).
Just be sure it makes sense when translating.
One exception is descriptive-style adverbs, which can be used in conjunction since they’re typically modifying adjectives or verbs (“he awkwardly, haltingly danced”) rather than other adverbs.
Adverbs of Degree
These adverbs express to what degree an action is performed or an adjective instantiated.
They follow the formula:
Topic / Subject + Adverb + Predicate (Adjective)
Or if you’re using a verb:
Topic + Adverb + Verb
Here are some of the most common adverbs of degree in Japanese:
Kanji | Hiragana | English |
かなり | Fairly, Quite | |
全然 | ぜんぜん | Not at all (only used with negatives) |
とても | Very | |
相当に | そうとうに | Considerably |
非常に | ひじょうに | Extremely |
Example sentences:
(そのくまは かなり おおきい です。)
The bear is quite large.
(わたしはぜんぜん およぎません。)
I don’t swim at all.
(かのじょは とてもすばらしい。)
She is very beautiful.
He’s really busy.
The movie was extremely interesting.
Here’s a video to help you solidify what you’ve learned about adverbs of degree from Free Japanese School:
Adverbs of Place
These Japanese adverbs tell you where an action takes place.
Adverbs of place usually come between the topic of the sentence, the particle は and the verb.
They’re also usually attached to the location particle へ or で.
Here are some common Japanese adverbs of place:
Japanese | English |
ここ | Here |
どこでも | Everywhere |
そこ | There |
あそこ | Over there |
こちら | This way |
そちら | That way |
あちら | That way (far from both the speaker and the other person) |
Example sentences:
(ここに ぼーるをなげろ。)
Throw the ball here.
(せかいの どこでも いってみたい。)
I want to go everywhere in the world.
He is there.
She is over there.
Please come over here.
I’ll go over there.
A shop is over there.
Adverbs of Time
These adverbs describe when something happens and its duration.
Adverbs of time usually come before the verb and/or after the subject.
Take a look at these common adverbs of time:
Kanji | Hiragana | English |
昨日 | きのう | Yesterday |
今 | いま | Now |
明日 | あす | Tomorrow |
昨日の夕方 | きのうのゆうがた | Yesterday evening |
今夜 | こんや | Tonight |
明日の夕方 | あすのゆうがた | Tomorrow evening |
先週 | せんしゅう | Last week |
今週 | こんしゅう | This week |
来週 | らいしゅう | Next week |
先月 | せんげつ | Last month |
今月 | こんげつ | This month |
来月 | らいげつ | Next month |
去年 | きょねん | Last year |
今年 | ことし | This year |
来年 | らいねん | Next year |
Example sentences:
(きのう、ねこは しにました。)
The cat passed away yesterday.
Let’s go now.
The meeting is tomorrow.
Yesterday evening, I played in the park with my friends.
There is a party tonight.
Tomorrow evening, I have plans to go out for dinner.
Last week was busy.
There is an exam this week.
I will go on a trip next week.
I went on a trip with my friends last month.
It’s my birthday this month.
A new job will start next month.
I started a new hobby last year.
There have been significant changes this year.
I have plans to have a wedding ceremony next year.
Ninjapanese has a great video on time words if you want to learn more:
Adverbs of Frequency
How often does the action take place or is the adjective manifested?
Adverbs of frequency usually come before the verb. And sometimes they come before the object.
Kanji | Hiragana | English |
いつも | Always | |
よく | Often | |
時々 | ときどき | Sometimes |
毎日 | まいにち | Every day |
毎週 | まいしゅう | Every week |
毎月 | まいつき | Every month |
毎年 | まいとし | Every year |
めったに | Rarely | |
たまに | Occasionally | |
決して | けっして | Never |
ほとんど | Almost always |
Example sentences:
(いつも おくれる。)
I’m always late.
(よく びーるをのみます。)
I often drink beer.
(かのじょは でんしゃで ときどき うたいます。)
She sings on the train sometimes.
(かれは まいにち しゃわーをあびます。)
He takes a shower every day.
I go out for lunch with my friends every week.
I go on a trip with my family every month.
Every year, we visit our grandparents.
He is rarely late.
We eat out on occasion.
She never gives up.
He is almost always at home.
I recommend this video from Japanese Smiles if you want to learn more adverbs of frequency:
Adverbs of Manner
These adverbs answer how the action is performed.
You can be pretty flexible when it comes to placing adverbs of manner in sentences. Usually, they’re found either before the verb, after the verb or between the verb stem and the ending.
Kanji | Hiragana | English |
強く | つよく | Strongly |
弱く | よわく | Weakly |
楽しく | たのしく | Joyfully |
上手に | じょうずに | Skillfully |
丁寧に | ていねいに | Politely |
静かに | しずかに | Silently |
慎重に | しんちょうに | Carefully, cautiously |
大声で | おおごえで | Loudly |
ゆっくり | Slowly | |
真剣に | しんけんに | Seriously |
Example sentences:
(かぜが つよく ふく。)
The wind blows strongly.
(あめが よわく ふる。)
The rain falls weakly.
(わたしたちは にほんごをたのしく まなびます。)
We learn Japanese joyfully.
He plays the piano skillfully.
He greets politely.
He takes it seriously.
Adverbs That Don’t Come From Adjectives
Not all adverbs are derived from adjectives. In fact, some of the most important ones are adverbs through and through.
Kanji | Hiragana | English |
あまり | Not very (only used with negatives) | |
ゆっくり | Slowly | |
ちょっと | A little | |
沢山 | たくさん | A lot |
もう, すでに | Already | |
もっと | More | |
多分 | たぶん | Probably |
すぐに | Immediately | |
もう少し | A little more | |
まだ | Still | |
しばらく | For a while | |
必ず | かならず | Surely |
Example sentences:
(やさいは あまり すきじゃない。)
I don’t like vegetables very much.
(ゆっくり はなして ください。)
Please speak slowly.
(ちょっと まって。)
Wait a moment.
He has a lot of books.
The movie has already started. Please take your seats.
I need to study more.
It will probably rain.
He called for help immediately.
Please wait a little more.
He hasn’t arrived yet.
Please wait for a while.
He will surely win.
These are common adverbs, so it’s worth getting familiar with them!
You can also learn more of them in context with FluentU, which teaches you adverbs and other essential vocabulary through native videos.
Now let’s pin down how to form sentences with adverbs.
Japanese Sentence Structure with Adverbs
When modifying verbs, the adverb can be placed almost anywhere in the sentence so long as it comes before the verb:
(かれは いそいで びょういんへ はしっていきました。)
He ran to the hospital quickly.
(かれは びょういんへ いそいで はしっていきました。)
He quickly ran to the hospital.
The closer the adverb is placed to the verb, the more emphasis it’s given.
If the adverb is modifying an adjective or another adverb, simply place the adverb directly in front of what it’s modifying:
(おきなわの なつは たいへん あついです。)
Summer in Okinawa is terribly hot.
(もうちょっと ゆっくり たべなさい。)
Eat a bit more slowly.
There you have it, everything you need to know about the underpinning structures of Japanese adverbs.
And with that knowledge, you can now take just about any adjective you can think of (most of which we didn’t cover here), turn it into an adverb and place it properly in a sentence fully aware of the emphasis it’ll convey.
That’s the power of grammar.
As for the non-adjective related adverbs, you’ll just have to pick those up along the way when studying vocabulary, but you’ll still know how to use them when you do!
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