30 Ways to Say Goodbye in Japanese: Bid Farewell to Friends, Family and Colleagues with Grace

Saying goodbye in Japanese isn’t as easy as throwing up a peace sign and saying “later.”

In fact, you have to take into account formality when you say goodbye, and you also have to use the correct body language. There are many traps to fall in, which is why I wrote this post.

For example, you’ll probably never hear the most well known way to say goodbye in Japanese because さようなら (sayonara) isn’t used in everyday life. This is because this word feels very, very final—like, funeral final. 

If you already know how to say hello in Japanese, then it’s time to learn how to finish your Japanese conversations.

Read on for 30 ways to say goodbye in Japanese!


Casual Ways to Say Goodbye in Japanese

A woman waving goodbye to her friend

Japanese GoodbyesHiraganaRomajiEnglish
じゃあね--jaa neSee ya
またね--mata neSee you later
じゃねー--ja nēLater
また後できらくにねkiraku ni neTake it easy
また後でまたあとでmata ato deCatch you later
ピースぴーすpīsuPeace out
バイバイばいばいbai baiBye bye
楽しんできてねたのしんできてねtanoshindekite neHave fun
気をつけてきをつけてki wo tsuketeTake care
Okarada ni ki wo tsuketeTake care of yourself
お邪魔しましたおじゃましましたojama shimashitaThanks for having me
お大事におだいじにo daiji niGet well soon
良い一日をよい いちにち をyoi ichinichi woHave a good day
おやすみおやすみoyasumiGood night
行って来ますいってきますitte kimasuI'm leaving home
また明日またあしたmata ashitaSee you tomorrow
おつ--otsuGood job

1. See ya — じゃあね

With friends, you can use this as a more common and casual goodbye in Japanese. A similar phrase is じゃあ、また (jaa, mata), or “see you.”

2. See you later — またね

Like the previous word, this is a casual way to say bye to people you’re close to, and carries the meaning of either “see you later” or “see you soon.”

3. Later — じゃねー

This is a casual and colloquial way of saying goodbye in Japanese and it’s often used among friends, family and acquaintances. You would use it when parting ways with friends after a casual hangout, or even when leaving work for the day (to a colleague you’re close to).

4. Take it easy — 気楽にね

The phrase “気楽にね” (きらくにね, kiraku ni ne) can be used when saying goodbye in a more relaxed and carefree manner. It conveys a sense of taking it easy or not worrying too much. You can use it among close friends or family members when parting ways after a casual gathering or when wishing someone a laid-back farewell. 

5. Catch you later — また後で

The phrase “また後で” (またあとで, mata ato de) is a casual way to say goodbye in Japanese, expressing the intention to meet or talk again later. It is commonly used among friends, colleagues or acquaintances in informal settings.

You might use this phrase when parting ways with someone, indicating that you look forward to reconnecting at a later time. 

6. Peace out — ピース

The term is borrowed from English and is used as a casual and friendly way to say goodbye, especially among younger generations or in informal settings. You might use this term when parting ways with friends or peers after a casual hangout or social event. It adds a light and relaxed touch to your farewell.

7. Bye bye — バイバイ

You may hear young people, especially girls and women, use this phrase, which sounds exactly like the English “bye bye!” Be careful using it if you’re a guy, because it can come across as kind of feminine.

8. Have fun — 楽しんできてね

If speaking to someone of a lower rank, such as a child, you could instead say this as: 楽しんでおいで (たのしんでおいで, tanoshinde oide)Literally translated as “go have fun,” you can say goodbye with this phrase to mean “have a good day.”

In fact, よい一日をお過ごしください (よいいちにちをおすごしください, yoi ichinichi wo osugoshi kudasai), which is literally “have a nice day,” isn’t as common or natural sounding as 楽しんでね!

9. Take care — 気をつけて

Just as we say “take care” in English as a parting phrase, you can also say 気をつけて in Japanese. It’s appropriate to say to someone who’s leaving your house, or someone who’s going on a holiday, for example.

10. Take care of yourself — お体に気をつけて

11. Thanks for having me — お邪魔しました

The present tense お邪魔します (おじゃまします, ojama shimasu) literally means something like “I’m bothering you,” but it’s polite Japanese that essentially means “excuse me for disturbing you.”

So just as you might say “thanks for having me” in English when you leave someone’s home, you can use the past tense version above to say goodbye to someone who’s hosted you at their place for a visit.

12. Get well soon — お大事に

If you’re saying goodbye to someone who’s sick, you can say this to tell them you hope they feel better soon.

13. Have a good day — 良い一日を

良い一日を is a polite and positive way to bid farewell. You can use this expression in various situations, such as when parting ways with colleagues in a professional setting, saying goodbye to friends or offering well-wishes to someone you care about. 

Since it conveys a positive and considerate sentiment, you can give it a go in both formal and informal contexts.

14. Good night — おやすみ

Japanese people don’t commonly say good night to friends and colleagues—in fact, it’s possible you won’t ever hear this phrase! Still, it’s good to know because family members say it to one another, along with people involved in a romantic relationship.

15. I’m leaving home — 行って来ます

If you’re leaving your home for a bit, you can say 行って来ます, which literally means “I’ll go and come back.” This phrase is usually shouted out as you slip your shoes on in the entrance way of the house.

The appropriate response from those staying at home is ってらっしゃい  (いってらっしゃい, itte rasshai), or “go and come back safely.”

16. See you tomorrow — また明日

There are also many phrases that relate to the time you’ll meet the person again, such as this one, or the similar また来週  (またらいしゅう, mata raishu), which is “see you next week.”

Just before the New Year, I’ve gotten a few laughs from friends by saying また来年  (またらいねん, mata rainen) or “see you next year.”

These are considered casual forms, though, so they shouldn’t be used as a replacement for the more formal phrases discussed above.

17. Good job — おつ

This slangy goodbye actually means “good job” or “you worked hard.” I try to only use it with close friends in casual settings.

Formal Ways to Say Goodbye in Japanese

A woman waves goodbye to her boss

Japanese GoodbyesHiraganaRomajiEnglish translation
さようなら--sayonaraGoodbye forever
お元気でおげんきでogenki dePlease be well
お疲れ様でしたおつかれさまでしたotsukaresama deshitaFarewell
またお会いできる日を楽しみにしていますまたおあいできるひをたのしみにしていますmata oai dekiru hi wo tanoshimi ni shiteimasuUntil next time
今日はありがとうございましたきょうはありがとうございましたkyō wa arigatou gozaimashitaThank you for today
漢字: ご機嫌ようごきげんよう
gokigen'yōGood mood
さらばだ--saraba daFarewell

18. Goodbye (forever) — さようなら

There’s a chance you’ve heard this Japanese word before as “goodbye.” And while it is the direct equivalent, it’s not commonly used by native Japanese speakers.

That’s because さようなら has a strong sense of finality to it, and means there’s a good chance you might not be meeting the other person again for quite some time—or ever! So I’d avoid saying this to a boss or loved one as it may leave them feeling confused or upset. It’s most appropriate at a funeral.

19. Please be well — お元気で

If someone’s going on a long trip or moving to a different place and you won’t be seeing them for a long time, try using お元気で.

It’s a bit more formal than “see you,” and literally means “be healthy.” It implies something like “all the best,” “take care of yourself” or even “good luck!”

20. Farewell — お疲れ様でした

お疲れ様でした is another polite and respectful way to say goodbye in Japanese.

I’d say it’s most commonly used in professional settings, such as workplaces or business interactions, to express gratitude for someone’s effort and hard work. For example, you might use this phrase when concluding a meeting, finishing a project or departing from a work-related context.

21. Until next time — またお会いできる日を楽しみにしています

The phrase, which translates to “I look forward to the day we can meet again,” is considered pretty polite and formal (as you may have picked up). It’s often used in professional or formal settings, expressing anticipation for a future meeting or encounter. You can try using it when parting ways in business contexts, or when expressing a sincere wish to meet someone again. 

22. Thank you for today — 今日はありがとうございました

はありがとうございました is commonly used to show gratitude and appreciation at the end of a day or an event, like when concluding a workday or a meeting. Like many of these phrases, it’s a polite and formal way to say goodbye, so often used in business settings.

23. Good mood — 漢字: ご機嫌よう

Literally meaning “good mood,” this is a more formal way of telling someone to take good care of themselves, and to have a good attitude and mood toward their life. Sounds pretty insightful!

24. Farewell — さらばだ

This is a very old expression (think samurai times) for saying goodbye. You won’t hear it often—and it’s not something you would ever say to your boss—but you could use it as a joke among close friends.

Business Ways to Say Goodbye in Japanese

A business meeting is held in a conference room

Japanese GoodbyesHiraganaRomajiEnglish
次回お会いするのを楽しみにしておりますじかいおあいするのをたのしみにしておりますjikai oaisuru nowo tanoshimi ni shiteorimasuI look forward to our next meeting
お先に失礼しますおさきにしつれいしますosaki ni shitsurei shimasuExcuse me for leaving first
お疲れ様でしたおつかれさまでしたotsukaresama deshitaThank you for your hard work
お世話になりましたおせわになりましたosewa ni narimashitaThank you for everything
またよろしくお願いしますまたよろしくおねがいしますmata yoroshiku onegai shimasuI would appreciate if you would work me with nicely again
今日は素晴らしい仕事をしましたきょうはすばらしいしごとをしましたkyou wa subarashii shigoto o shimashitaGreat job today

25. I look forward to our next meeting — 次回お会いするのを楽しみにしております

As you probably have guessed, you’ll want to use 次回お会いするのを楽しみにしております when parting ways after a meeting, conference, or any formal interaction. It expresses a sense of anticipation for future engagements and is suitable for conveying politeness and professionalism.

26. Excuse me for leaving first — お先に失礼します

We all know that Japanese people work long hours. In Western countries, there might be a mad rush to the door when it’s time to leave work—but in Japan, people usually keep working away at their desk.

When you eventually leave the office, you can politely excuse yourself with this phrase, which literally means “excuse me for leaving first.” You can use the abbreviated form お先に  (おさきに, osakini) with close colleagues (just not with your boss!).

27. Thank you for your hard work — お疲れ様でした

This phrase is the usual response said by those remaining in the office. We don’t really have an English translation, but you can think of it as something like “thank you for your hard work.” In fact, you can also say it to a colleague who just told you a story about a difficult client or a time-consuming project.

Another similar phrase you might hear is: 御苦労様でした  (ごくろうさまでした, gokurousama deshita). It has a similar meaning to お疲れ様でした but is said to people of a lower rank than you. For example, a boss might say 御苦労様でした to their staff. In terms of politeness, you’re safer saying お疲れ様でした.

28. Thank you for everything — お世話になりました

Great for use in the office, this phrase also carries the connotation “thank you for your support and assistance” or even “thank you for your cooperation.”

The present tense greeting form is お世話になります (おせわになります, osewa ni narimasu), but you can use the past tense form above to say goodbye to a colleague who helped you out a lot, or even a client you worked with that day.

29. I would appreciate it if you work with me nicely again — またよろしくお願いします

Use this kindly phrase to convey that you had a great work experience with the person you’re saying goodbye to you.

30. Great job today — 今日は素晴らしい仕事をしました

If you think your colleague did an excellent job at something, here’s how to let them know.

Body Language for Saying Goodbye in Japanese

Four colleagues bowing at the end of a business meeting

When saying goodbye in Japan, there are several non-verbal aspects you should keep in mind.


Bow slightly in formal and business settings. The depth depends on formality, the more formal the deeper the bow.

Maintaining a respectful demeanor

Keep a composed and respectful posture. Don’t do things like hug, blow kisses or hug.

Expressing gratitude

Always express your thanks by saying “ありがとうございました” (arigatou gozaimashita) when you’re saying goodbye, especially in formal situations.

Shaking hands?

In international business environments, a handshake may be used, but a bow is appreciated much more. 

Using both hands for cards or gifts

If you’re going to leave a business card or a parting gift of some kind, present them with both hands as a sign of respect. The person you’re giving the object to will respond by taking the card or gift with both of their hands, too.

Minding others’ personal space

Keep an appropriate distance, respecting personal space. Japanese don’t like to be touched, in general, and they like some personal space.

Smiling and maintaining eye contact

Smile warmly and maintain sincere eye contact when saying goodbye. 


So, now you know how to say goodbye in Japanese!

Practice these expressions with your Japanese friends or language partner, or find them in use naturally in the videos on FluentU.

You’ll soon be ending your conversations and meetings like a native.

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