47 Russian Nicknames and Terms of Endearment
Many Russian terms of endearment are diminutives, which often denote smallness and/or affection. Think of it as the English equivalent of saying “lil'” before something. For instance, if you call someone “lil’ cutey,” it can sound much more affectionate.
So, in this guide, I’ll teach you 47 Russian terms of endearment.
- Russian Terms of Endearment
- Family Nicknames in Russian
- Friendly Nicknames in Russian
- Nicknames for Common Names in Russian
- Fun Ways to Practice Russian Terms of Endearment
- And One More Thing...
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Russian Terms of Endearment
Note that although these are often used with people who you love romantically, many of these Russian nicknames can also be used with other people. For example, Зайчик (Bunny) is an adorable name to call your significant other, it’s also the term of endearment that my mom’s called me all my life!
Пчёлка (little bee)
Pronunciation: Pcholka
Meaning: Пчёлка is the diminutive of пчела , which means “bee.” Therefore, пчёлка can be translated as “little bee.” What a great name for your honey!
Gender: Feminine
Example: Ты такая милая, пчёлка! (You’re so cute, little bee!)
Рыбка / Рыбочка (fish/little fish, fishlet)
Pronunciation: Rybka/Rybochka
Meaning: These words are both diminutives of рыба (fish), so they’re the equivalent of “little fish” or “fishlet”… which honestly doesn’t sound as cute in English, but is pretty sweet in Russian!
Gender: Feminine
Example: Ты получила цветы, которые я послал, рыбка? (Did you get the flowers I sent, fishlet?)
Котёнок / Котик / Киса (kitten/kitty/pussycat)
Pronunciation: Kotonok/Kotik/Kisa
Meaning: Many variations of “cat” or “kitten” can be used as terms of endearment in Russian. Котёнок means “kitten,” котик means “kitty” and киса and is like “pussycat.”
Котёнок: Masculine
Котик: Masculine
Киса: Feminine
Example: Пожалуйста, не оставляй меня, котёнок! (Please don’t leave me, kitten!)
Птичка (little bird)
Pronunciation: Ptichka
Meaning: Птичка is the diminutive of птица (bird), so its meaning is approximately “little bird.”
Gender: Feminine
Example: Птичка, ты меня любишь? (Little bird, do you love me?)
Ласточка (swallow)
Pronunciation: Lastochka
Meaning: Ласточка is a swallow, so it’s similar to птичка.
Gender: Feminine
Example: Как дела, ласточка? (How are you, swallow?)
Голубка / Голубушка (little pigeon)
Pronunciation: Golubka/Golubushka
Meaning: Sensing a theme yet? If you didn’t guess it, these words are diminutives. In this case, they’re diminutives of голубь (pigeon), so they mean “little pigeon.”
Gender: Feminine
Example: Что ты хочешь на день рождения, голубка? (What do you want for your birthday, little pigeon?)
Зайка / Зайчик / Зайчонок (bunny)
Pronunciation: Zayka/Zaychik/Zaychonok
Meaning: All of these words mean “bunny.”
Зайка: Masculine/Feminine
Зайчик: Masculine
Зайчонок: Masculine
Example: Ты помыл посуду, зайчик? (Did you wash the dishes, bunny?)
Сахарок (sugar)
Pronunciation: Sakharok
Meaning: Сахарок is a piece of sugar. It seems that many languages love using sweet things as terms of endearment!
Gender: Masculine
Example: Хочешь пойти куда-нибудь сегодня вечером, сахарок? (Want to go out tonight, sugar?)
Солнце / Солнышко (sun/little sun)
Pronunciation: Solntse/Solnyshko
Meaning: Солнце means “sun,” while солнышко is the diminutive, so it can translate to “little sun.” Use this Russian nickname for someone who brings light into your life!
Солнце: Neuter
Солнышко: Neuter
Example: С днём рождения, солнышко! (Happy birthday, little sun!)
Лучик (little ray, little sunbeam)
Pronunciation: Luchik
Meaning: Лучик is the diminutive of луч , which can mean “ray” or “sunbeam.”
Gender: Masculine
Example: Ты скрасишь мои дни, лучик! (You will brighten my days, little sunbeam!)
Ангел мой (my angel)
Pronunciation: Angel moy
Meaning: Ангел мой means “my angel.” Fun fact: You can say these words in either order and still sound perfectly normal.
Gender: Masculine
Example: Ты небесный, мой ангел! (You are heavenly, my angel!)
Жизнь моя (my life)
Pronunciation: Zhizn’ moya
Meaning: Жизнь моя means “my life.” Like with Ангел мой, you can say this one in either order.
Gender: Feminine
Example: Моя жизнь, я так рад, что мы встретились! (My life, I’m so glad we met!)
Радость (joy)
Pronunciation: Radost’
Meaning: Радость means “joy.”
Gender: Feminine
Example: Что нам делать в эти выходные, моя радость? (What should we do this weekend, my joy?)
Счастье (happiness)
Pronunciation: Schast’ye
Meaning: Счастье means “happiness,” so it’s very similar to радость (joy).
Gender: Neuter
Example: Я хочу встретиться с твоими родителями, моё счастье! (I want to meet your parents, my happiness!)
Лапушка / Лапочка (sweetheart)
Pronunciation: Lapushka/Lapochka
Meaning: Лапушка and лапочка both act like “sweetheart.”
Gender: Masculine/Feminine
Example: Что ты хочешь на ужин, лапочка? (What do you want for dinner, sweetheart?)
Золотце (honey, darling)
Pronunciation: Zolottse
Meaning: Золотце is like “honey” or “darling.” Since it comes from the word золото (gold), it’s more literally the equivalent of “golden one.”
Gender: Neuter
Example: Я просто хочу, чтобы ты был счастлив, золотце! (I just want you to be happy, honey!)
Pronunciation: Sladkiy/Sladkaya
Meaning: This term means “sweet” and is often used as a term of endearment for a boyfriend or girlfriend.
Gender: masculine/feminine
Example: Сладкий, ты можешь купить мне мороженое? (Sweetie, can you buy me ice cream?)
Family Nicknames in Russian
Малыш (little one)
Pronunciation: Malysh
Meaning: This term is often used as a cute Russian nickname for a younger child or baby.
Gender: masculine
Example: Как дела, малыш? (How are you, little one?)
Pronunciation: Lyubimyy/Lyubimaya
Meaning: This term translates to “beloved” and is a common Russiam term of endearment used by close family members. It can also be used with a romantic partner.
Gender: masculine/feminine
Example: Привет, любимая! Как прошел твой день? (Hi, my beloved! How was your day?)
Милашка (cutie)
Pronunciation: Milashka
Meaning: This term is often used to refer to a young girl.
Gender: feminine
Example: Спасибо за подарок, милашка! (Thank you for the gift, sweetie!)
Pronunciation: Rodnoy/Rodnaya
Meaning: This term means “belonging to the same family” and is often used to refer to a close family member or someone who is like family.
Gender: masculine/feminine
Example: Родной, я так рада тебя видеть! (My dear, I’m so glad to see you!)
Душенька (sweetheart)
Pronunciation: Dushenka
Meaning: This term is a diminutive form of Душ, which means “spirit” or “soul.” It’s often used as a term of endearment for a loved one or close friend.
Gender: feminine
Example: Душенька, ты такой заботливый человек! (Darling, you are such a caring person! )
Крошка (little one)
Pronunciation: Kroshka
Meaning: This term means “little piece” or “little one” and is often used as a term of endearment for a young child or a close friend.
Gender: feminine
Example: Крошка, ты такая милая, когда улыбаешься. (Cutie, you are so cute when you smile.)
Медвежонок (little bear)
Pronunciation: Medvezhonok
Meaning: This term means “little bear” and is often used as a term of endearment for a friend or family member who’s big and cuddly like a bear.
Gender: masculine
Example: Мой маленький медвежонок, я так скучала по тебе! (My little bear cub, I missed you so much!)
Friendly Nicknames in Russian
Чувак (dude)
Pronunciation: Chuvak
Meaning: This term is slang and means “guy” or “dude.” It is often used as a casual term of address for a male friend.
Gender: masculine
Example: Эй, чувак, ты слышал новость? (Hey, dude, have you heard the news?)
Братишка (little brother)
Pronunciation: Bratishka
Meaning: This term means “little brother” and is often used as a term of endearment for a younger brother or a close male friend who is like a brother.
Gender: masculine
Example: Братишка, спасибо, что всегда можешь поддержать меня. (Brother, thank you for always being able to support me.)
Сестрёнка (little sister)
Pronunciation: Sestryonka
Meaning: This term means “little sister” and is often used as a term of endearment for a younger sister or a close female friend who is like a sister.
Gender: feminine
Example: Сестрёнка, ты лучшая сестра в мире! (Sis, you are the best sister in the world!)
Бро (Bro)
Pronunciation: Bro
Meaning: This term is slang and means “brother” or “friend.” It’s often used as a casual term of address for a male friend.
Gender: masculine
Example: Привет, бро, как ты сегодня? (Hey, bro, how are you today?)
Pronunciation: Milyy/Milaya
Meaning: This term means “dear” or “darling” and is often used by older family members for their younger ones.
Милый: masculine
Милая: feminine
Example: Милая, спасибо за твою поддержку. (My dear, thank you for your support.)
Красавчик (handsome)
Pronunciation: Krasavchik
Meaning: This term means “handsome” and is often used as a term of endearment for a male friend who’s good-looking.
Gender: masculine
Example: Красавчик, как всегда, выглядишь на все сто! (Handsome, as always, you look great!)
Красотка (beautiful)
Pronunciation: Krasotka
Meaning: This term means “beauty” and is often used as a term of endearment for a female friend who is attractive. I wouldn’t use it with someone you don’t know, as it can sound like cat-calling.
Gender: feminine
Example: Красотка, ты в этом платье просто обворожительна! (Beauty, you look simply enchanting in this dress!)
Бяка (bug)
Pronunciation: Byaka
Meaning: This term is a playful and affectionate way to refer to a mischievous or silly person. It can be used between close friends who share a sense of humor.
Gender: masculine
Example: Эй, бяка, ты сделал мою день! (Hey, buddy, you made my day!)
Nicknames for Common Names in Russian
Pronunciation: Kolya
Gender: masculine
Example: Коля, давай сходим вместе на футбол? (Nick, let’s go watch football together?)
Саша (short for Александр or Александра )
Pronunciation: Sasha
Gender: masculine/feminine
Example: Саша, ты такой хороший друг! (Sasha, you are such a good friend!)
Pronunciation: Masha
Gender: feminine
Example: Маша, давай сходим на кофе? (Masha, let’s go for coffee?)
Pronunciation: Dima
Gender: masculine
Example: Дима, спасибо, что поддерживаешь меня всегда. (Dima, thank you for always supporting me.)
Pronunciation: Lena
Gender: feminine
Example: Я сегодня встречалась с Леной, мы пошли в кино. (I met Lena today, we went to the cinema.)
Pronunciation: Ira
Gender: feminine
Example: Ира, а что ты думаешь о новой работе? (Ira, what do you think about the new job?)
Pronunciation: Vova
Gender: masculine
Example: Вова, давай сходим в бассейн вместе? (Vova, let’s go to the pool together?)
Pronunciation: Galya
Gender: feminine
Example: Ты знаешь, Галя всегда такая заботливая и внимательная к детям. (You know Galya is always so caring and attentive to children.)
Pronunciation: Tanya
Gender: feminine
Example: Таня, а ты пробовала это новое блюдо? Как тебе? (Tanya, have you tried this new dish? What do you think?)
Pronunciation: Vasya
Gender: masculine
Example: Я думаю, что Вася справится с этой задачей без проблем. (I think Vasya will handle this task without any problems)
Pronunciation: Sveta
Gender: feminine
Example: Света, а как твои дела на новой работе? (Sveta, how are things going at your new job?)
Pronunciation: Yura
Gender: masculine
Example: Ты знаешь, Юра любит слушать рок-музыку. (You know Yura likes to listen to rock music)
Pronunciation: Katya
Gender: feminine
Example: Я недавно гуляла с Катей в парке, она такая приятная собеседница. (I recently went for a walk with Katya in the park, she is such a pleasant conversationalist.)
Pronunciation: Olya
Gender: feminine
Example: Оля, как дела с подготовкой к экзаменам? (Olya, how are your exam preparations going?)
Pronunciation: Roma
Gender: masculine
Example: Рома, ты видел, какой классный ролик на YouTube выложил этот блогер? (Roma, have you seen the cool video that this blogger posted on YouTube?)
Fun Ways to Practice Russian Terms of Endearment
- Write a love letter to your sweetheart. Writing a love letter gives you some valuable writing practice and is a fun way to use your new vocabulary. Plus, writing vocabulary down often helps reinforce it. If your loved one doesn’t speak Russian, though, you might want to give them a translation or at least talk them through it.
- Use multiple terms of endearment. Using one is cool. Using two is fun. But using a wide array of Russian terms of endearment can help reinforce a much larger vocabulary set. And since many of these words are derived from commonly-used vocabulary, they’re worth remembering.
- Make flashcards. Flashcards are a convenient way to learn vocabulary words efficiently, and the same is true when you’re learning terms of endearment. Tools like Anki, Cram and Brainscape are super convenient. FluentU also lets you look up Russian words, then automatically generates multimedia flashcards that have video clips, example sentences and grammar notes.
Try out some of these Russian terms of endearment the next time you’re looking to show affection. If you’re speaking to someone who doesn’t know Russian, you might need to do a little explaining, but isn’t that half the fun?
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And One More Thing...
If you love learning Russian and want to immerse yourself with authentic materials from Russia, then I should also tell you more about FluentU.
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