How to Say Please in Korean (in Different Formalities) If you’re learning Korean, knowing how to say “please” is essential. It’s one of the easiest ways to …
How to Learn Korean Fast [20 Tips] Is it possible to hasten something as complex as learning Korean? The answer is, in theory, yes. It all …
30 Korean and Konglish Jokes [With Audio] In Korean, jokes are known as or , and there’s no shortage of it in the language. In this post, …
Korean Prepositions Prepositions are an essential part of the Korean language. Having a good understanding of them will help you to improve …
Zodiac Signs in Japanese: What Your Japanese Birth Year, Birthdate and Blood Type Say About You Did you know that the word “zodiac,” in its original etymology, translates to “circle of little animals?” If you’re familiar …
36 Creative German Insults Let’s be honest: learning insults (along with curse words) is one of our secret first priorities when starting a …
Babbel Review: Solid Foundation for New Language Learners [Updated for 2024] Babbel is a popular language-learning app that’s recently gone through a rebranding process to better serve learners. I wanted to …
The 84 Most Common Korean Adverbs There are several major types that Korean adverbs fall into. These types describe the nature of the adverbs—how they’re usually …
Babbel vs. Duolingo: Do You Need Structured Instruction or Free Fun? As an experienced language learner, I tried both Babbel and Duolingo to find out which app was better. I used …
How to Flirt in Korean If you ever find yourself in a situation where you want to flirt in Korean, it’s useful to have some …