40 German Easter Vocabulary Words with Audio Pronunciation

Celebrating Easter in Germany is even a bigger deal than celebrating Christmas there. After all, plenty of Easter symbolism and myth is tied to Germany and the German language—from the name of the holiday itself, to that adorable bunny that brings eggs and candy for children.

This post will help you learn useful Easter vocabulary in Germany and get valuable insights about its traditions. 


Top 10 Vocabulary Words for German Easter

Your German Easter is going to be much easier if you learn a bit of German vocabulary for discussing your plans with people or asking them where to go to make the most of this holiday: 

1. die Kirche (the church)

Even though Easter has plenty of ties to pagan spring rituals, it’s also largely a religious holiday. In Germany, you can attend mass in the Catholic parts of the country, or services in the Protestant regions.

How can I use this word?

Wo ist die Kirche? (Where is the church?)

2. das Ei / die Eier (the egg/the eggs)

colorful easter eggs

Easter eggs might seem as American as apple pie, but like most of the so-called “American traditions,” this one was brought over by immigrants early in the country’s history—namely, immigrants from Germany. Eggs started out as a pagan symbol of spring and rebirth, but they became part of Germany’s Easter celebrations, and remain so today.

People blow out the inside of eggs and paint them, place them in a basket for the Easter bunny to hide, exchange them and eat chocolate versions of them.

How can I use this word?

Ich möchte ein Ei malen, bitte. (I would like to paint an egg, please.)

Die Kinder suchen die Ostereier. (The children are looking for the Easter eggs.) 

3. der Hase (the bunny)

Like the Easter egg, the bunny is an erstwhile pagan symbol that was adapted for Christianity. Now, the Osterhase (Easter bunny) hides eggs for children on the night before Easter and appears in chocolate form at markets and in shop windows.

How can I use this word?

Ist der Osterhase gekommen? (Did the Easter bunny come?)

4. Karneval/Fastnacht/Fasching  (Carnival) 

Carnival is related to Easter, but this tradition takes place 40 days before Easter itself—namely, in the days before Lent, which in Christianity is a time of fasting, sobriety and reflection. Akin to (and the equivalent of) celebrating Mardi Gras in New Orleans, Carnival is a time of frenetic parties and outlandish costumes, a few days when everyone expends all their debaucherous energy before the 40-day lead-up to Easter.

When celebrating any German event or tradition, be aware of how the different regions of Germany are very different from each other. For starters, there are multiple names: Karneval, Fastnacht, Fasching, with each part of the German-speaking world calling it something different. 

Carnival also isn’t a big deal in some parts of Germany (you won’t see much of a celebration in Berlin, for example). However, in other regions, such as Cologne, the celebration takes over for a week.

How can I use this word?

Fahrt ihr nach Köln zu Karneval? (Are you going to Cologne for Carnival?)

5. Die Osterglocken (the daffodils)

easter daffodils

Osterglocken are daffodils, those yellow flowers that bloom at the beginning of the spring. Many Easter traditions have their roots in spring celebrations, so flowers are an integral part of the holiday and its decorations. You’re likely to see daffodils around on Easter.

How can I use this word?

Wir pflücken die Osterglocken. (We pick the daffodils.)

6. Palmsonntag (Palm Sunday)

Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter, when Jesus is said to have returned to Jerusalem. People who attend church services on this Sunday typically receive a palm frond, a branch from a palm tree, as according to the Bible, these are said to laid in Jesus’s path when he entered Jerusalem. 

How can I use this word?

Hast du einen Palmwedel bekommen? (Did you get a palm frond?)

7. die Schokolade (the chocolate)

easter chocolate egg

Germans always eat a lot of chocolate, and Easter is no exception. At the Easter markets and shops, you’ll see plenty of chocolate bunnies and eggs for sale, which can be a tasty way to celebrate the return of spring.

How can I use this word? 

Ich möchte einen Schokoladenhasen kaufen! (I would like to buy a chocolate bunny!)

8. die Osterkerze (the Easter candle)

In traditional Christian churches, Easter candles, which are long white tapers, are lit in the hours between the Saturday preceding Easter and the day itself. If you attend service the Saturday before Easter, you might be given such a candle to light and carry into the church.

How can I use this word?

Ich zünde die Osterkerzen an. (I light the Easter candles.)

9. der Osterkorb (the Easter basket)

easter bunny with eggs

Remember that the Easter bunny comes in Germany, just as he comes in the United States. The night before Easter, children leave out baskets, which the bunny hides around the house overnight, sparking a search the next morning.

How can I use this word?

Ist der Osterkorb voll? (Is the Easter basket full?)

10. das Lammfleisch (the lamb)

Easter dinner takes place on Easter Sunday. The most common meat to eat at this feast is lamb. It’s important to know this word, so you’ll know what you’re eating if you’re invited to a traditional German Easter meal!

You can find some traditional German Easter recipes here.

How can I use this word?

Ist das Lammfleisch lecker? (Is the lamb tasty?)

Names of Easter Holidays in German

easter family meal

Remember, Easter in Germany is not just Easter Sunday.

In Germany, you can expect to hear about all of the following:

  • Ostersonntag (Easter Sunday) in Germany is fairly similar to the day in America. Children eat chocolates and candies. Religious families attend church services and then enjoy a big holiday meal.
  • Ostermontag (Easter Monday) falls the day after Easter, and is a bank holiday, with all shops and public institutions closed.
  • Karfreitag (Good Friday), the Friday before Easter, commemorates the day when Christians believe Jesus died on the cross. Called Karfreitag in German, this day is typically quieter than other celebratory days.
  • Christi Himmelfahrt (Christ in sky, literally “Christ sky goes”) falls 40 days after Easter. It celebrates the day when Christians believe Jesus ascended into heaven, and it’s another public holiday.
  • Pfingsten (Pentecost) falls on the 50th day after Easter, and commemorates the day when the Holy Spirit is said to have come to earth. It’s yet another public holiday.

German Easter Traditions

germans walking in the park during easter

With all these holidays, it makes sense that Germans would have plenty of Easter traditions, right?

And sure enough, Germans do plenty to celebrate this time of year, possibly enjoying at least one of each of the following:

  • der Osterbaum (the Easter tree). Germans decorate either small indoor trees or bushes or branches cut from flowering plants at Easter. These trees are decorated with small eggs and spring garlands.
  • das Osterfeuer (the Easter bonfire). On the Saturday before Easter and on the Sunday itself, it’s a tradition in Northwestern Europe, including Germany, to light a huge bonfire. These bonfires are often fueled by Christmas trees, kept specially for this occasion.
  • der Spaziergang (the walk). Since these holidays (ideally) fall on some of the first nice days of the year, it’s common to see Germans out and about walking, hiking and enjoying the spring.
  • der Ostermarkt (the Easter market). Like Weihnachtsmärkte (Christmas markets) in December, Easter markets crop up all over at this time of year. At Easter markets, you can buy Easter crafts, snacks and chocolates.

Check out this gallery to see photos of some of these traditions.

You can dive deeper into German culture while picking up more vocabulary terms like this with the videos on FluentU. 

Additional German Easter Vocabulary 

Here are other German words and phrases that you’ll hear a lot when Easter comes up: 

Religious Easter Terms

sacramental host during easter mass in germany

Although the number of practicing Christians in Germany is on the decline, Easter is still very much connected to Christianity since traditionally, it’s the day when Jesus was resurrected and rose from the dead. 

die Auferstehung the Resurrection
der Gottesdienst the Church service
die Heilige Woche the Holy Week
das Kreuz the Cross
die Kreuzigung the Crucifixion
die Messe the Mass
Osterkommunion the Easter communion

Easter Decoration and Symbols 

easter chick

Easter brings with it beautifully decorated eggs, bunnies, bonfires, and more: 

die Osterkarte the Easter cardSome people might exchange Easter cards.
der Kranz the wreathEaster wreaths are usually decorated with flowers and eggs to symbolize the cycle of life and rebirth.
das Küken the chickChicks symbolize new life, so they're often used in Easter decorations.
das Nest the nestThis holds Easter eggs and treats, symbolizing a cozy place for new life.
das Osterbrot the Easter breadThis is a rich, sweet bread that's filled with nuts, fruits and spices. It's traditionally baked for Easter.
der Osterbrunnen the Easter fountainEaster fountains are a tradition in some parts of Germany, and they're decorated with eggs and greenery.
das Osterlamm the Easter lamb cakeThis is a lamb-shaped cake symbolizing Jesus as the Lamb of God.
der Schokoladenhase the chocolate bunnyThis is a popular treat during Easter.
der Strauß the bouquetEaster bouquets often feature spring flowers because spring represents a new start.

Popular Easter Activities

easter egg hunt

During Easter, there are special activities for all ages in Germany: 

der Eierlauf the egg and spoon raceThis is a fun race where you balance an egg on a spoon and try not to drop it.
das Eierrollen the egg rollingYou roll eggs down a hill and see whose egg goes the farthest.
die Eiersuche the egg huntKids search for hidden eggs, usually filled with chocolate or treats.
die Ostermesse Easter fairThis is like a Christmas market, but for Easter, with crafts and food.
der Osterschmaus Easter feastIt's traditional to eat a huge meal with your family, featuring special dishes like lamb or fish.


Looking to practice these Easter vocabulary words further, and maybe learn some more while you’re at it?

Try purchasing a German children’s book about Easter, like this bilingual one—it’ll get you excited for the holiday while also helping you learn more German words.

And if you happen to find yourself in Deutschland at this time of year, be sure to enjoy the local traditions and the returning sunshine.

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