The 6 Best ESL Kids Video Resources Videos are actually a great way to engage young learners while improving their English listening, vocabulary and comprehension all at …
7 ESL Card Games Card games are simple, flexible and cost-efficient. As the teacher, you get to make up the rules. Since they’re easily …
10 Activities to Improve Intermediate ESL Students’ Listening Listening is every bit as vital to learning as reading, writing and speaking. But it often slips through …
Comprehensible Input: 8 Teaching Strategies for Your ESL Classroom Your job as an ESL teacher is to give your students the correct input. That way, you’ll get the right …
How to Teach One-on-one ESL Lessons Wondering how to make a one-on-one ESL lesson as awesome as possible? Well, we just happen to have a great …
21 Business English Textbooks Business English is a highly sought after skill that requires a special kind of classroom. As the teacher, choosing a …
8 ESL Audio Story Websites Listening skills are important. I know it. You know it. Your students know it. But how can you make listening …
How to Teach English Through Short Films and Documentaries Who doesn’t love movies? We laugh, we cry and—most importantly—we learn. Even with movies in your native tongue, the ups …
5 Great ESL Number Games Learning numbers in a foreign language is straight-up memorization. Think about it: You can explain verb form rules and conjugations…
The 25 Best ESL Books Great ESL books can be a wonderful asset to maximize class time. They can help you brainstorm effective activities, set …