你聽到一群人說”hitting books 要打書本“…
…又聽到說要”twisting someone’s arm 扭別人的手臂”?
…然後好像”someone’s been stabbed in the back 有人被從背後捅了一刀“?
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1. Hit the books
字面上來看,hit the books就是打書、揍你手上的書的意思呀?這是一個很受學生歡迎的英文慣用語,特別是美國大學生們。學業很重的狀況下,跟人家說”hit the book“指的就是要認真K書的意思啦!也可以是一個不錯推掉邀約的方法,只要跟朋友說你必須要hit the books了,大概就知道得準備重大考試!
通常期中、期末考,或者只是英文考試(因為很難)都可以用"hit the books"!
“Sorry but I can’t watch the game with you tonight, I have to hit the books. I have a huge exam next week!”
2. Hit the sack
跟第一個慣用語相同,如果照字面上去看的話,hit the sack 或者beat a sack看似指要打一個大沙包。沙包通常就是一大袋裝有麵粉、米飯或者土壤肥料的一包東西。不過這個俚語hit the sack意思是要去睡覺了,通常用來跟朋友、家人說你真的很累了想上床睡覺的意思。
除了hit the sack以外,也可以說hit the hay。
“It’s time for me to hit the sack, I’m so tired.”
3. Twist someone’s arm
Twist someone’s arm看來是真的要扭轉對方的手,聽起來有點暴力!想像手臂被扭轉的感覺就很痛!不過如果你的手真的被扭轉的話,指有人很成功的說服你做一件你從來不會想去做的事。
相反的,如果你twist someone else’s arm就是指你成功說服某人,讓他們終於同意你希望、想要的事情。
“Jake, you should really come to the party tonight!”
“You know I can’t, I have to hit the books (study).”
“C’mon, you have to come! It’s going to be so much fun and there are going to be lots of girls there. Please come?”
“Pretty girls? Oh all right, you’ve twisted my arm, I’ll come!”
4. Stab someone in the back
然而,這當然只是比喻,意指從”背叛“很信任的人。而這個背叛的人我們則稱呼他為”back stabber”。
“Did you hear that Sarah stabbed Kate in the back last week?”
“No! I thought they were best friends, what did she do?”
“She told their boss that Kate wasn’t interested in a promotion at work and Sarah got it instead.”
“Wow, that’s the ultimate betrayal! No wonder they’re not friends anymore.”
5. Lose your touch
好像指的是你無法用手感覺到任何東西,但其實lose your touch 是指原本很在行的事情,忽然之間不知道怎卻變了調,失去那個能力的意思。
“I don’t understand why none of the girls here want to speak to me.”
“It looks like you’ve lost your touch with the ladies.”
“Oh no, they used to love me, what happened?”
6. Sit tight
不過要是有人跟你說要sit tight意思指要耐心的等候,沒有聽到下一步指示前不要輕舉妄動。
“Mrs. Carter, do you have any idea when the exam results are going to come out?”
“Who knows Johnny, sometimes they come out quickly but it could take some time. You’re just going to have to sit tight and wait.”
7. Pitch in
所以當老爹跟你說,他希望每個人這週末都能pitch in幫忙整理後院,意思就是要大家都參加這個活動、一起幫忙的意思。事情才能迅速完成。
“What are you going to buy Sally for her birthday?”
“I don’t know. I don’t have much money.”
“Maybe we can all pitch in and buy her something great.”
8. Go cold turkey
這句俚語go cold turkey意思是指忽然戒掉某個不良習慣,例如:抽菸或者喝酒。
據說go cold turkey源自20世紀初期,指當戒除某個成癮的習慣所帶來的不適症狀。例如:毒品或者酒精成癮,戒除的過程會有許多身體發冷、不適的感覺,就像是生冷的火雞肉ㄧ樣,皮膚慘白,冒出雞皮疙瘩等等的症狀。
“Shall I get your mom a glass of wine?”
“No, she’s stopped drinking?”
“Really, why?”
“I don’t know. A few months ago, she just announced one day she’s quitting drinking.”
“She just quit cold turkey?”
“Yes, just like that!”
9. Face the music
字面上來看facing the music就是轉身面對音樂的意思,不過如果是朋友或者家人告訴你要“face the music”的話,背後就有很深的寓意了。
意思就是面對現實,指無論成果好壞(通常是壞的),都該接受事實。當有不想面對的事情,或者擔心害怕結果,會造成我們不想直接面對處理的狀況。也有可能你對老師說了謊,現在東窗事發,就得“face the music”、面對老師以及有可能需要接受懲罰的後果。
“I can’t understand why I failed math.”
“You know you didn’t study hard, so you’re going to have to face the music and take the class again next semester if you really want to graduate when you do.”
10. Ring a bell
只看ring a bell字面上的意思看起來還蠻簡單的,可能只是敲打鈴聲告訴學生們該上課了,或者按電鈴的意思。
“You’ve met my friend Amy Adams, right?”
“Hmmm, I’m not sure, but that name rings a bell. Was she the one who went to Paris last year?”
11. Blow off steam
事實上人是不可能吹散熱蒸汽的,只有大型電子器具才能辦到(喂~)。所以到底blow off steam是什麼意思呢?
當你感到非常憤怒、壓力過大或者其他很劇烈的情緒時,很想擺脫內心不滿、不開心的感覺,這時候為了要”blow off stream“就會去做些其他事情來消除壓力。
“Why is Nick so angry and where did he go?”
“He had a fight with his brother, so he went for a run to blow off steam.”
12. Cut to the chase
當有人告訴你”cut to the chase“,意思就是指你說話說太久了,講不到重點!當有人這麼說的時候,就是希望對方說快一點,趕快把重點說完,不要再浪費講一堆細節跟廢話了!不過要用這句俚語要小心說話的對象,可能就不太適當,特別是跟大學教授或者老闆之類的長輩說話,聽起來會挺沒禮貌的!
如果剛好在很多人的場合說話,像是和同事開會的時候,可以直接說”I’m going to cut to the chase“,意思”我廢話不囉唆囉,直接進入重點囉!“。通常在時間寶貴的狀態下,跳過一些廢話,可以快速宣布重要事項讓大家知道重點在哪。
“Hi guys, as we don’t have much time here, so I’m going to cut to the chase. We’ve been having some major problems in the office lately.”
13. Up in the air
當我們想到”up in the air“就會想像某個東西飄在空中的感覺,像是飛機、氣球之類。如果有人跟你說現在狀況”up in the air“,就是指目前狀況不明、不確定,塵埃未定的意思。
“Jen, have you set a date for the wedding yet?”
“Not exactly, things are up in the air and we’re not sure if our families can make it on the day we wanted. Hopefully we’ll know soon and we’ll let you know as soon as possible.”
14. On the ball
當說I’m on the ball指的就是很快速地進入狀況、了解事情,並準備充足,反應很快的意思。
舉例來說好了,如果你正在策劃明年的婚禮,但今年已經完成大部分的準備,表示你超級“on the ball”!因為很少有人可以這麼進度超前!
“Wow, you’ve already finished your assignments? They aren’t due until next week, you’re really on the ball. I wish I could be more organized.”
15. Get over something
翻過去哪裡呀?其實要翻過去某個東西也不是辦不到,get over something字面上是越過東西的意思。翻過柵欄、越過小河好像都能用上這個片語。不過它實際上的意思卻截然不同喔!
假設你跟男、女朋友分手了,心情跌到谷底,要走出來真的很困難呀!不過當時間久了,你再也不會回想前任的任何事情時,你就已經成功的“gotten over him/her”!再也不受影響,也不再擔心難過!另外一種說法,也可以形容病情康復的意思:get over an illness。
“How’s Paula? Has she gotten over the death of her dog yet?”
“I think so. She’s already talking about getting a new one.”
16. Look like a million dollars/bucks
要是我們都能長得像一百萬美金的話該有多好?大家都是百萬富翁的感覺一定不錯!不過這個片語”you look like a million bucks“其實是用來形容對方看起來高貴極了、美翻了的意思!如果有人告訴你:"you look like a million bucks",真是莫大的稱讚呀!
“Wow, Mary, you look like a million dollars/bucks this evening. I love your dress!”
17. Born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth
“John was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His parents bought him everything he wanted and sent him to the best private schools.”
18. To go from rags to riches
“Actor Jim Carrey went from rags to riches. At one time, he was living in a van, but he continued to work hard and eventually became one of the highest-paid comedians in the world.”
19. Pay an arm and a leg for something
“The price of chocolate has doubled. I nearly paid an arm and a leg for a small candy bar.”
“Chocolate costs an arm and a leg now.”
20. To have sticky fingers
“The manager fired the cashier because he had sticky fingers. He stole more than $200 in a month.”
21. To give a run for one’s money
“Joe really gave me a run for my money in the chess tournament. He almost beat me!”
22. To pony up
“Pony up and give me the $5 you owe me.”
“I told my roommate Jane to pony up her portion of the rent money.”
23. To ante up
付錢給某人,類似剛剛所說的“pony up”。
Ante up這個俚語源自於撲克牌牌桌上,莊家發牌前玩家們就得決定下注金額。如果你覺得這個說法有點眼熟的話,那是因為ante是拉丁語的”之前”的意思。
“You’d better ante up and give me that $10 I loaned you last week.”
Joe: “I’m tired of doing the housework by myself. You need to ante up or find a new roommate.”
Thomas: “I’m sorry. I’ll help more around the house.”
上述的例子中,可以看得出來Joe用”You need to ante up”來表示他已經受夠跟Thomas同住的狀況,Thomas該開始幫忙家務,否則Joe就要搬走了!
另一個類似的片語"to up the ante",意思就是提高賭注、提高風險的意思。牌桌上當人們提高賭注,我們就可以說"That guy had just up the ante”用來表示這個玩家比上家下了更多賭注!也可以用在平常日常對話中,指某人答應某件事,或者提高賭注。
“Susan agreed to type up the group report, but Billy upped the ante when he said he’d type, print and deliver the report to Professor Stephens.”
“I wanted to place a $10 bet on the soccer match, but Daniel upped the ante and raised the bet to $50.”
24. Break even
“The trip to the beach cost me $100, but I almost broke even after winning $90 in a contest.”
25. Break the bank
“Taking a week-long vacation would break the bank. There’s no way I could afford to do it.”
26. To be closefisted
Someone who doesn’t want to spend money. Similar to being stingy.
“Carl is so closefisted, he won’t even buy snacks for the Christmas party.”
27. To go Dutch
“We had a date last night and we went Dutch. I paid for my coffee and she paid for her salad.”
28. Shell out money/to fork over money
“I wish I didn’t buy that new car now that I’m shelling out $1,000 a month in payments.”
“She had to fork over a lot of money for traffic fines last month.”
29. Midas touch
“Jane really has the Midas touch. Every business she starts becomes very successful.”
30. In the red/In the black
“I’m in the red this month after paying that speeding ticket. I’ll need to find some work over the weekend for extra money.”
然而相反的,in the black意思則是獲利,有賺的意思。
“After working a couple of small jobs over the weekend, I earned an extra $500 and am back in the black.”
31. Receive a kickback
“The police chief was arrested after the news reported he was receiving kickbacks from criminals to ignore certain crimes.”
“The traffic cop receives kickbacks for not writing tickets to politicians.”
32. Living hand to mouth
“The family has been living hand to mouth ever since their father lost his job.”
33. To be loaded
“Billy paid his Harvard Law School tuition with cash. His family is loaded.”
34. Make ends meet
“I don’t make much from my job as a cashier, but I’m able to make ends meet. I always have enough money for rent and groceries.”
35. As genuine as a three-dollar bill
如果指某個東西是真品會說是”genuine”,不過美國從未印製過三元鈔票,所以不可能會出現"as a genuine three-dollar bill"的狀況。也就是諷刺這件事超假的!
這時就可以說:The copy of the Mona Lisa at my school is as genuine as a three-dollar bill.”
“That man tried to sell me a Lamborghini from 1953. He said it was the first Lamborghini model ever made but the company didn’t exist until 10 years later. His car was as genuine as a three-dollar bill.”
36. Rule of thumb
認真想想這句俚語一點意義也沒有,不過當有人說"as a rule of thumb"意思就是指不成文規定。
所以說rules of thumb其實沒有甚麼科學根據,通常只是一些常理。例如說,煮義大利麵時要在水裡加上幾滴油,這樣麵條才不會黏在鍋底。這並不是甚麼科學法則,但卻是a rule of thumb!
“As a rule of thumb you should always pay for your date’s dinner.”
“Why? There’s no rule stating that!”
“Yes, but it’s what all gentlemen do.”
37. Keep your chin up
這個時候,好朋友會鼓勵你要 keep your chin up!表示他們很在乎你,關心你!而這句話的意思,是希望你勇敢、振作起來,把頭抬起來,別沮喪的低著頭!也別讓這些鳥事影響到你!
“Hey, Keiren, have you had any luck finding work yet?”
“No, nothing, it’s really depressing, there’s nothing out there!”
“Don’t worry, you’ll find something soon, keep your chin up buddy and don’t stress.”
38. Find your feet
如果剛好來到新環境,比如說搬到國外、剛開始大學新生活,你可以說"I’m still finding my feet"意思就是指還在適應環境,跟適應新生活。
“Lee, how’s your son doing in America?”
“He’s doing okay. He’s learned where the college is but is still finding his feet with everything else. I guess it’ll take time for him to get used to it all.”
39. Spice things up
“Instead of just buying Sam a birthday gift, let’s spice things up by taking him out for dinner.”
40. A piece of cake
A piece of cake 表示工作或任務就像吃一塊蛋糕一樣,非常簡單的意思。
“I expected the English test to be difficult but it was a piece of cake.”
41. Cool as a cucumber
沁涼、清新都是黃瓜帶來的口感,所以當形容人 cool as a cucumber,表示對方是一個非常冷靜沉著的人,非常自在的意思。
“My friend is nervous about taking his driving test but I’m cool as a cucumber.”
42. A couch potato
A couch potato 顧名思義就是指在沙發上的馬鈴薯,你能想像這個畫面嗎?其實就是形容一坐上沙發打開電視就動不了的人。
“After my uncle retired from his job, he became a couch potato.”
43. Bring home the bacon
Bring home the bacon 帶培根回家?這是甚麼意思?代表把好料帶回家,也就是把賺的錢都拿回去養家了。
“Ever since her father was injured, she’s been working two jobs to bring home the bacon.”
44. In hot water
當有人in hot water身處在熱水中 ,表示他們有麻煩了,身處在困境之中。
“My brother is in hot water for failing all his college classes.”
45. Compare apples and oranges
“I’m not sure which I enjoy more—pottery or dancing. It’s like comparing apples and oranges.”
46. Not one’s cup of tea
當某件事情不對你胃口、不合你tone調,就可以說這件事情is not your cup of tea,表示你沒興趣,不喜歡也不擅長的意思。
If something is not your cup of tea, it’s an activity you have no interest in, don’t enjoy or don’t do well in.
“Camping is really not my cup of tea so I’m going to visit my friend in New York instead.”
47. Eat like a bird
吃得像鳥一樣?小鳥是能吃多少啦!沒錯!Eat like a bird就是指小鳥胃的意思,畢竟小鳥那麼小,胃一定也很小!
“Don’t trouble yourself cooking such a big meal. I eat like a bird.”
48. Eat like a horse
反過來看,一匹馬的食量就驚人了吧!所以你覺得馬能吃多少呢?沒錯,當形容人家食量很大,英文就會說:eat like a horse!
“My mother has to cook a lot of food when my brother comes to visit. He eats like a horse.”
49. Butter [someone] up
當要討好別人,希望得到別人的幫助時,我們通常會費盡心思去說好話、做些討喜的事,讓事情順利進行。這時候你就得去butter someone up!用法上可以稍做變化,例如: butter [someone] up 或 butter up [someone].
“Everyone seems to be trying to butter up the new boss hoping to become her favorite.”
50. Food for thought
Food for thought意指得要審慎考慮的事情,必須經過深思熟慮的考量。
“Moving to another state is food for thought for many of those affected by the recent hurricanes in Texas and Florida.”
51. A smart cookie
這應該算超簡單的吧!A smart cookie就是指很聰明的人。
“It shouldn’t be hard too hard for a smart cookie like you to learn Spanish.”
52. Packed like sardines
當你打開沙丁魚罐頭的時候會有甚麼感覺?沒錯!就是很擠很擠的感覺,所以packed like sardines 就是說擠得跟沙丁魚一樣!擠到一絲縫隙也沒有!通常形容人群很擠,也可以形容動物們。舉例來說,在演唱會或者運動賽事的現場都很適合形容It’s packed like the sardines!
“Were you at the football game last night? The stadium was packed like sardines.”
53. Spill the beans
當不小心打翻一碗豆子就全部灑出來!想像這個畫面那你就會記得spill the beans。指的就是不小心把不該說出去的秘密給洩漏出去!
“We were planning a surprise birthday party for Joyce this weekend. But this morning, Owen spilled the beans and now it’s no longer a surprise.”
54. A bad apple
想像一大籃的蘋果中有一顆壞掉的爛蘋果。這上面的圖,應該就很清楚了吧!這張照片會幫你記得a bad apple就是指會製造問題、搞出麻煩的老鼠屎!意思就是一群人之中有一個會破壞、帶來不好影響的人!
“Instead of focusing on college, he spends his time hanging out with bad apples.”
55. Bread and butter
“Fishing is the bread and butter of the friendly people I met on the island last summer.”
56. Buy a lemon
不小心買到問題超多、根本就是一台破銅爛鐵的的汽車時,在英文中我們就會形容自己bought a lemon!
“The car looked so new and shiny I had no way of knowing I was buying a lemon.”
57. A hard nut to crack
要敲開核桃是不是一件很難的事?不盡然吧!有時候的確很難敲開,不過用對方法還是能敲開核桃的!所以這句俚語a hard nut to crack 就是指很難理解、相處的人,不過只是要花點時間用點方法。
“I tried to be friendly with her but I was told she’s a hard nut to crack.”
58. Have a sweet tooth
如果你喜歡蛋糕、糖果,還是天底下任何甜食都逃不過你的法眼?如果妳是甜食愛好者的話,那妳就絕對have a sweet tooth!
“Yes, I definitely have a sweet tooth. I can never walk past a bakery and not stop to buy myself a slice of chocolate cake.”
59. Under the weather
在英文裏說,”I’m feeling under the weather“意思指妳不太舒服、今天不太像自己的感覺。不一定代表生病,可能只是過度疲勞、工作壓力太大,或者有點快要感冒的症狀。
“What’s wrong with Katy, mom?”
“She’s feeling a little under the weather so be quiet and let her rest.”
60. A storm is brewing
“She decided to go ahead with their wedding, even though all they’ve been doing lately is arguing. I can sense a storm is brewing.”
61. Calm before the storm
“The strange quietness in town made her feel peaceful. Little did she know, it was just the calm before the storm.”
62. Weather a storm
“Last year, they had some financial difficulties when her husband was fired. Together, they weathered the storm and figured out how to keep going.”
63. When it rains, it pours
“First he was laid off, then his wife got into a car accident. When it rains, it pours.“
64. Chasing rainbows
“His paintings have neither style nor imagination, but he insists on being a professional painter. He’s always chasing rainbows.”
65. Rain or shine
下雨或者出太陽?這不是一個很簡單的問題嗎?這句俚語其實就是指無論怎樣事情就是會發生!不過因為俚語用下雨或者出太陽做比喻,所以在一些戶外活動也會用上Rain or Shine這句俚語,就是真的字面上的意思囉!
“I’ll see you at the airport, rain or shine.”
66. Under the sun
“Gili Trawangan must be one of the most beautiful islands under the sun.”
67. Once in a blue moon
“He used to call his grandma once in a blue moon. Now that she has passed away, he regrets not making more of an effort to keep in touch.”
68. Every cloud has a silver lining
“Don’t worry about losing your job. It’ll be okay. Every cloud has a silver lining!“
69. A rising tide lifts all boats
“When the economy showed the first signs of recovering, everyone started investing and spending more. A rising tide lifts all boats.“
70. Get into deep water
深入水底,有點類似in hot water的意思。也就是在困境的意思。
To be in trouble. Very similar to the idiom in hot water that we discussed above.
“He got into deep water when he borrowed a lot of money from a loan shark.”
71. Pour oil on troubled waters
“She hated seeing her two best friends arguing, so she got them together and poured oil on troubled waters.”
72. Make waves
“She likes to make waves with her creative marketing campaigns. They get a lot of attention from customers.”
73. Go with the flow
“Quite often in life, good things happen when you don’t make plans. Just go with the flow and see what happens!”
74. Lost at sea
“I am lost at sea with this new system at work. I just can’t understand it.”
75. Sail close to the wind
“They fired their accountant because he sailed too close to the wind.”
76. Make a mountain out of a molehill
“She shouted at him angrily for being five minutes late, but it really didn’t matter that much. She really made a mountain out of a molehill.”
77. Gain ground
“As Airbnb gains ground in many cities all over the world, many locals complain that they can no longer find a place to live. Landlords would rather rent their places out to tourists and earn more money.”
78. Walking on air
指非常興奮跟開心的意思,“Over the moon”、“on cloud nine”、“in seventh heaven”和“in good spirits” 也都是可以表達快樂的英文片語。
“She’s been walking on air since she found out that she’s pregnant.”
79. Many moons ago
“Many moons ago, we used to be two very close friends. Now we’ve gone separate ways and lost contact.”
80. Castle in the sky
“World traveling used to be a castle in the sky for most people a few decades ago, but with cheap flight tickets and the global use of English, many youngsters are living that dream.”
81. Down to earth
“It’s a stereotype, but Dutch people are known for being down to earth.”
82. Salt of the earth
“My father is the salt of the earth. He works hard and always helps people who are in need.”
83. The tip of the iceberg
“Exceptionally long drought periods are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the global impact of climate change.”
84. Break the ice
“He made a weather joke to break the ice.”
85. Sell ice to Eskimos
“He’s a gifted salesman, he could sell ice to Eskimos.”
86. Bury your head in the sand
“Stop burying your head in the sand. You haven’t been happy with him for years, why are you staying together?”
87. Let the dust settle
“You just had big news yesterday, let the dust settle and don’t make any decisions yet.”
88. Clear as mud
“He’s a great scientist, but I find his explanation of bacteria and microbes as clear as mud.”
89. As cold as stone
“In the Victorian times, many women were told to suppress their feelings and, thus, appeared as cold as stone.”
90. Between a rock and a hard place
除了"between a rock and a hard place"以外,相近的片語還有:lesser of two evils, between the devil and the deep blue sea, between Scylla and Charybdis, Hobson’s choice and Catch-22。
“I can understand why she couldn’t make up her mind about what to do. She’s really between a rock and a hard place.”
91. Nip something in the bud
To stop a bad situation from becoming worse by taking action at an early stage of its development.
“When the kid shows the first signs of misbehaving, you should nip that bad behavior in the bud.”
92. Barking up the wrong tree
“If you think she’s going to lend you money, you’re barking up the wrong tree. She never lends anyone anything.”
93. Out of the woods
“The surgery went very well and he just needs to recover now, so he’s officially out of the woods.”
94. Can’t see the forest for the trees
“He’s worried because the flowers haven’t all arrived, but everyone says the wedding has been perfect and beautiful. He just can’t see the forest for the trees.”
95. To hold out an olive branch
“After years of rivalry with her cousin, she decided to hold out an olive branch and go have fun together.”
96. Beat around the bush
“I don’t have much time, so stop beating around the bush and tell me what actually happened.”
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