Arena 競技場
Arena 競技場: (名詞) 你可能跟另一個和競技場相似的詞比較熟悉,那就是stadium體育場。 是一個平坦的區域,用來舉辦體育賽事像是奧林匹克、足球和橄欖球比賽。是一個圓形,並且周圍圍繞著座位供觀眾坐下。
The arena was packed full with excited fans to watch the final of the Champion’s League.
Amateur 業餘
Amateur 業餘: (名詞/形容詞) 一位業餘人士不是專業人士,也沒有因為工作而獲得報酬。
He’s an amateur soccer player, but one day he hopes to play for his favorite team in the UK: Manchester United.
Athlete 運動員
Athlete 運動員: (名詞) 在任何運動中練習和比賽的人。
Joan’s brother is a professional athlete and plays tennis for a living (for money).
Athletic 擅長運動的: (形容詞) 擅長運動的人。
I’ve never been very athletic and I don’t think my gym teacher liked me very much at school because I couldn’t even catch a ball.
Athletics 田徑: (名詞) 是指任何田徑賽事的類別,像是跑步(長跑和短跑)、投標槍、跳高等等。
My favorite events to watch during the Olympics are the athletics events. I love the running. I can’t believe how fast some people can run!
Award 獎勵
Award 獎勵: (動詞/名詞) 任何一種獎賞,像是證書、獎牌或獎盃。被授與某種東西,意味著獲得獎勵。
The best three athletes at the Olympic Games are awarded medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.
She won the award for “Best Female Junior Snowboarder” in the city!
Beat 擊敗
Beat 擊敗: (動詞) 贏得或打敗另一個對手或隊伍。
Andy Murray beat all the other players and won the Wimbledon tennis tournament.
Captain 隊長
Captain 隊長: (名詞) 隊長就是一個隊伍的領導者。
The English captain for the 2014 World Cup is John Terry.
Cheer on 歡呼
Cheer on 歡呼: (動詞) 向你喜歡的球員或隊伍大聲鼓勵。
In the final five minutes of the game, the fans cheered on their teams hoping for a win.
Coach 教練
Coach 教練: (名詞) 負責教導和訓練運動員以提升他們技能的人
My basketball coach told me I’m getting better at my free throws.
Compete 競爭
Compete 競爭: (動詞) 參加一個比賽
20 teams are competing to win the University Cup.
Court 球場
Court 球場: (名詞) 網球、籃球和羽毛球比賽舉行的長方形場地。
When I play tennis, I prefer to play on a grass court because doctors have told me it’s better for my knees.
Course 球場
Course 球場: (名詞) 用於馬拉松、賽車和高爾夫球等賽事的場地
Before he gets married next week, he’s going to go to the golf course to play a few rounds with the boys.
Defend/Defense 防守
Defend 防守(動詞)/ Defense (名詞): 試圖阻止其他隊伍得分或進球。
The coach wants us to play our best to defend against a goal.
Manchester City has a strong defense and it’s very difficult to score a goal against them.
Draw 平局
Draw 平局: (名詞) 結束比賽時當兩個隊伍得到同樣的分數或進球數。(也可以稱為tie)
It was a very boring game to watch and it ended up in a draw. The score was 2-2.
Fan 粉絲
Fan 粉絲(名詞): 一個球員、球隊或運動的支持者。
He’s a huge fan of the All Blacks and he watches every game they play.
Field 球場
Field 球場: (名詞) 用於進行體育賽事的草地,像是曲棍球、橄欖球或足球。
The team ran onto the field at the beginning of the game and the fans cheered loudly.
Gym 健身房
Gym 健身房: (名詞) 你可以去使用健身器材運動或是學校體育課教學的地方。
She’s trying to lose a few kilos and has started exercising at the gym twice a week.
Half-time 中場
Half-time 中場: (名詞) 比賽上半場和下半場之間的短暫休息。
The team gathered in the changing rooms at half-time while the coach explained the strategy for the second half.
League 聯盟
League 聯盟: (名詞) 來自一個地區的運動組合在本季賽事中互相比賽,並且試圖贏得冠軍。
Doncaster Rovers were at the top of their league last year, but this year they have been performing badly and are now positioned fifth on the table.
Doncaster Rovers去年處於聯盟的領先位置,但今年的表現不佳,目前位居第五名。
Medal 獎牌
Medal 獎牌: (名詞) 第一名是一個金的小圓圈獎牌,第二名會是銀牌,第三名則為銅牌。
Michael Phelps, the American swimmer broke the record when he won 6 gold medals at the Olympics.
Michael Phelps,美國游泳健將在奧運拿到六枚金牌,打破了紀錄。
Opponent 對手
Opponent 對手: (名詞) 在比賽中和你互相競爭的人
Andy Murray’s biggest opponent at Wimbledon was Roger Federer, but he managed to beat him.
Andy Murray在溫布敦最大的競爭對手是Roger Federer,但他還是打敗他了。
Pass 傳球
Pass 傳球: (動詞、名詞) 踢或投球給你們隊上另一名球員。
He passed the ball to his teammate who then went on to score the winning goal.
Physique 體格
Physique 體格: (名詞) 人的體型和力量。
She’s very small and slim. She’s got the perfect physique to be a gymnast.
Pitch/Pitcher 投球/ 投手
Pitch 投球: (動詞) 將球投給棒球或壘球擊球的人。
He pitched the ball so fast that the person batting was unable to hit the ball.
Pitcher 投手: (名詞) 在棒球中,將球從投手丘投向擊球手的球員。
The pitcher was very talented; he pitched a perfect inning!
Practice 練習
Practice 練習: (名詞、動詞) 繼續訓練以提升技巧。
Our college basketball team practices three times a week.
Professional 專業的
Professional 專業的: (名詞、形容詞) 會因為做這項運動而得到報酬。你的工作就是你的運動。
Many little boys dream of becoming professional sportspeople when they’re younger, but only a few can achieve their dreams.
Record 紀錄
Record 紀錄: (名詞) 在一個國家曾經被測量過的最佳表現,像是獎牌、速度等等。
Ussain Bolt holds the world record for the fastest man in the world.
Ussain Bolt 擁有世界上最快男子的世界紀錄。
Referee 裁判員
Referee (Ref) 裁判員: (名詞) 在比賽期間做決定的那個人。足球裁判員會在球場上和球員們跑來跑去,但umpire裁判員則是從一個位置做決定(像是網球)。
The referee signaled the players to stop and he gave the player a yellow card for kicking another player.
Rules 規則
Rules 規則: (名詞) 比賽的法律。
When you break the rules in any game, the referee punishes the player.
Score 得分
Score 得分: (名詞) 每個球隊在比賽中的積分。
The final score was 1-0; it was a really close game.
Serve 發球
Serve 發球: (動詞) 在比賽開始的時候將球丟高並擊球(像是網球和排球)。
Venus Williams is known for her strong serve in tennis and it’s often difficult for less experienced players to return the ball.
Venus Williams以她強勁的發球聞名,通常經驗不足的選手很難回球。
Shoot/Shot 射球
Shoot 射球 (動詞) Shot (名詞) 投擲或踢球來嘗試進球或得分(像是橄欖球和籃球)。
Michael Jordan is famous for scoring long distance shots and taking three points for the team.
Michael Jordan 因長距離投籃得分而聞名,並且為球隊贏得三分球。
Skill/Skilled 技能
Skill 技能 (名詞) Skilled (形容詞): 能夠把一件事做好,很有才能。
He’s a skilled rugby player and if he keeps training, he might make it to the national team.
Spectator 觀眾
Spectator 觀眾: (名詞) 觀看運動賽事的人。
The spectators at Wimbledon are usually very calm compared to the shouting ones at a rugby match.
Sportsmanship 運動家精神
Sportsmanship 運動家精神:(名詞) 當你贏或輸一場比賽的時候,你對其他隊伍和選手好或壞的態度和尊重。
Not shaking a player’s hand after losing is an example of bad sportsmanship.
Tackle 對付
Tackle 對付: (動詞) 試圖從另一個隊伍拿到球。
He tried to tackle Messi, but Messi was too fast and continued to run with the ball.
Teammate 隊友
Teammate 隊友: (名詞) 你的隊伍中的一員。
After the match Amy and her teammates go down to the bar for a drink.
Teamwork 團隊合作
Teamwork 團隊合作: (名詞) 和你的隊友一起合作試圖贏得比賽。
Christiano Ronaldo is often criticized for his lack of (not enough) teamwork. He prefers to do things alone.
Christiano Ronaldo很常被批評缺乏團隊合作精神。他偏好靠自己踢球。
Tournament 錦標賽
Tournament 錦標賽(名詞): 幾個特定數量的隊伍獲選手之間舉行的一連串的比賽,為了贏得冠軍。
The Champion League tournament in Europe is probably the most famous European soccer tournament that is held every year.
Trainer/Train 訓練師/ 訓練
Trainer 訓練師: (名詞) 教練的另一個說法。
Train 訓練: (動詞) 練習。
Most winter sports teams train through the summer months so they can build their skills and fitness.
Victory 勝利
Victory 勝利: (名詞) 贏得一個比賽。
The team celebrated their victory with a parade in their home city.
Whistle 哨子
Whistle 哨子 (名詞) /To blow the whistle 吹哨子: 一種小的工具可以在比賽的時候讓裁判吹響聲音。
The referee blew his whistle and moved his hand to show the start of the match.
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