For every rule, there’s an exception.
As a French learner, you probably realize (or will soon realize!) that this describes … At first glance, y and en may look like your average French pronouns.
But in fact, these little guys… Napoleon, Paris and furry little Chartreux kittens have one thing in common—they are all nouns.
You might remember from English … In English, you get on the train. In French, you get in the train.
In English, you’re in bed. In … Eggs, flour, sugar… they may not seem like much on their own, but combined they can make everything from delectable … Reflexive pronouns are a staple in French grammar.
But (don’t get discouraged)! See that little te there? Cute, right? … Get to know more French adjectives, and you’ll be way more expressive in the language!
Read on for 173 useful … If you’re serious about learning French, you need to learn how to conjugate verbs.
Once you master conjugating them, … Pronouns are an important part of all languages and are used in conversations to replace people, places, things and phrases. … Have you already managed to get the gist of formal French, mastered pronouncing the tricky u and ou sounds…