The French present participle is an essential verb form to learn. And it’s different from the French present tense.… Conjugation is a fact of French-language life. There isn’t any way around it, and it’s easy to get burned in … If you’ve been studying the subjunctive—one of the most notorious French grammatical moods—you may already know that there are … (I live in Paris.)
(Her name is Marie.)
What do these sentences have in common? They use the indicative mood… Let’s talk about the future. We can talk about topics like the trip you’re planning to France next spring. And … As you may know, there are two main types of verbs in French: regular and irregular verbs. Today we’ll look … The French love to live for the present.
That must be why they made talking about the past so difficult!… Être and avoir are perhaps the most commonly used French verbs–and they’re also infinitely useful in creating French’s compound … The bane of most intermediate French learners’ existence is the subjunctive: The verb mood used to express desire, uncertainty and … Get a hold of your hat, because I’m about to blow your mind and tell you that there’s another way …