The “city of festivals,” Montreal, is where the party never stops.
Learning French in Montreal makes learning French more fun … Ah, the old vicious internet cycle.
Too many of us end up trapped here. Heck, you might even be trapped … French is the first language I ever studied and France was the first country I ever visited, so my love … To become a maverick of the French language, you need to have an understanding of French grammar and enough vocabulary… It’s well-established that watching French movies is a fun way to get comprehension practice in the comfort of your pajamas. … French audiobooks are great tools for practicing your listening comprehension and building your language skills.
You can listen to original … Are you looking for a great French quiz for beginners? Well, we’ve got you, French learner!
Quizzes are super useful … “Quand on a pas ce que l’on aime, il faut aimer ce que l’on a.” (“When one doesn’t have the … Learning French requires consistency, but sometimes it may feel difficult to fit into your daily schedule.
That’s why I made … Already bored of the French you started learning not so long ago?
Whatever your language woes, the solution is simple: …