What’s the most uniquely challenging skill to master when learning French?
Why, the French pronunciation, of course!
Luckily, many of … Tongue twisters, or virelangues in French, can also be a great way to learn a language.
They force you to … French consonants are like chameleons. Sometimes, they’re silent. Other times, they speak up.
In some cases, they’re pronounced “soft” and, … Understanding written French and comprehending spoken French are two completely different skills.
When children learn, they must take time to … When it’s time for a French oral exam, you’ll need to do well in five fundamental areas.
These areas are … To speak French without a foreign accent, you’ve got to know French phonetics.
By breaking words down into individual … Do you feel like when it comes to French vowels, you just can’t win?
The French vowels are a, … Using French liaisons correctly will instantly make you sound like a more natural, fluid French speaker.
But what are … Mastering the French accent is an essential part of learning to speak French fluently.
But trust us, even if … If you’ve been studying french for a while, you’ve probably found that you quite often have your nose stuck in …