Category | German

Haben and Sein Conjugations

Just like in English, the German words haben (“to have”) and sein (“to be”) are arguably the most common verbs…

Is German Hard to Learn?

Is German easy to learn if you’re a native English speaker? What about if you hail from a country that …

30 Best Songs to Learn German

If you learn German with music, your language studies can become that much more fun.  Learning German with songs that …

36 Creative German Insults

Let’s be honest: learning insults (along with curse words) is one of our secret first priorities when starting a …

Days of the Week in German

There are seven important words in the German language, can you guess which words these are? The days of the …

Months in German

There are many reasons why learning the months in German will benefit you in the long-run. Luckily, many of the …