German Conditional Tense Technically, the German conditional tense is a subjunctive mood, not tense. That means it refers to wishes or unreal …
Accusative German Exercises Today’s quest, should you choose to accept it, is to tackle the accusative case. But to do this, you’ll have …
German Pronouns: Complete Guide to the 8 Different Types and How to Use Them Right Pronouns are an important but tricky component of any language. Like articles and adjectives, German pronouns change their form …
Ihr in German: 4 Key Uses This post is dedicated to an exceptional German homophone that has a variety of different meanings. That’s right, say hello …
6 German Grammar Rules for Beginners It’s important to see grammar as the nuts and bolts of any language. It may not sound as exciting as …
Nominative vs Accusative German Cases In German, there are many different articles. If you’ve already started studying the language, you’ve probably already encountered some of …
A Guide to German Auxiliary Verbs There are many types of German verbs. Auxiliary verbs are an important part of speech in both German and …
German Simple Past Tense The German simple past tense might seem a lot more complicated than its name lets on—unless you’ve got a handle …
12 German Modal Particles Some of the trickiest words to master in German are Modalpartikeln (modal particles). Modal particles usually have other meanings in …
Informal German: A Simple Guide (Plus Common Phrases) A large part of knowing how to speak informal German is just knowing the difference between the two words for …